Best Tips We Learned This Year For Living an extended, Healthier Life
If you’re ready to make some changes
in 2020, we’ve rounded up the best longevity tips we’ve learned in the past
year. Whether it’s adding more Chili peppers to your diet, taking enough steps
every day, or spending quality time with the people you love, these are the
easiest ways to give yourself a fighting chance at an extended healthy life.
1. Eat “all”
the Chili peppers
You might want to bring some spice to your life. A study
found eating Chili peppers was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular
disease. In addition, for the people who ate Chili peppers regularly, the all-cause
mortality risk was 23 percent lower than those who didn’t. Upping your intake
can be as easy as sprinkling red pepper flakes or Chili powder into your food.
2. Do your best
to stay positive
Past research has shown being an optimist contributes to “11
to 15 percent longer life span, on average, and to greater odds of achieving
‘exceptional longevity.” (Aka, in this case, living to 85 years old or longer.)
While it’s hard to stay positive all the time, making it your mission to cut
down on pessimistic thinking can do you good.
3. Take at
least 4,400 steps a day
Taking 10,000 steps a day is kind of the gold standard in
terms of health, but that’s not always going to happen. So rest assured:
Research shows those who took at least 4,400 a day had a 41 percent lower
mortality rate than those who took only 2,700 steps. But don’t stop there: The
benefits only grew up until 7,500 steps, where they plateaued. Also, once you
do walk, walk quickly because another study found fast walkers tend to measure
4. Eat like Japanese centenarians
The residents of Okinawa, Japan, have the longest life
expectancy in the world. Part of that is due to what they’re eating, and seven
prime foods stand out: bitter melons, tofu, sweet potatoes, turmeric, brown
rice, shiitake mushrooms, and seaweed. Make them part of your repertoire for a
long, healthy life, too.
5. Try forest
One thing wellness journalist and chef Candice Kumai swears
by for longevity is the traditional Japanese custom shinrin-yoku, or forest
bathing. “Shinrin-yoku is that the practice of forest bathing and how to attach
to nature and that i attempt to do that—even if that’s watching an ocean or a
forest,” Kumai says. Spend 10 minutes a day taking a walk, even just around
your neighbourhood. You don’t need an actual forest to reap the benefits.
6. Don’t sleep too
much or too little
There’s definitely a sweet spot when it comes to sleep. Past
studies have shown you shouldn’t get too much or too little. With that being
said, the final conclusion is this: Don’t sleep less than six hours per day,
and don’t sleep more than 10 hours per day, as it can result in a higher risk
of cardiovascular disease and death. If you stay in the middle at 7 or 8 hours,
you’ll be better able to keep yourself healthy now and in the future.
If you can’t fall back asleep,
use these helpful tips:
7. Eat way less
too much sugar can certainly keep your from living a long, healthy life. That’s
why experts say the key is cutting back, and you can help banish cravings by
eating a specific combo. “If you’re physically craving something sweet, my
go-to snack is five organic prunes and 10 organic raw almonds, eaten together,”
says functional medicine doctor Jill Baron, MD. “Prunes have sweetness and many
health benefits, including being high in potassium and fiber, as well as having
a low glycaemic load. And prunes eaten with almonds with give a great
antioxidant boost and satisfy a craving for sweets.”
8. Focus on
your relationships
Many things play into longevity, including your telomeres—the protective DNA caps that are on the ends of your chromosomes. While longer telomeres mean longer “healthspans,” shorter telomeres are linked to things like dementia and heart disease. And past research has shown there’s a correlation between telomere length and quality relationships. “In older people, having greater levels of social support is related to longer telomeres,” says psychologist Elissa Epel, PhD. That’s why Epel says it’s so important to spend quality time with the people you love.
9. Clean the
house more often
No, this isn’t a trick. One study found you only need 30
minutes of physical activity a few times a week to stay healthy, and that
included doing housework. “Overall, the more activity an individual did, the
lower their risk of mortality and disorder,” says Scott Lear, the study’s lead
author. So get to cleaning and organizing. Your home will be spotless, and
you’ll stay healthier and live longer because of it.
10. Eat like
Italian centenarians
Japanese centenarians aren’t the only ones to look to for
advice about longevity. Residents of Sardinia are also known for their
impressively long lifespans, and they credit a handful of Italian foods as
playing a part: barley, fava beans, cannonau wine, olive oil, kohlrabi,
potatoes, sourdough bread, and tomatoes.
These are the healthiest foods to eat in the winter,
according to a dietitian. Then find out some of the healthiest foods and drinks
that came out this year.
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